noun Psychology
the tendency of verbalization to impair the recall of visual memories, resulting in unreliable eyewitness accounts
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Word 896: Peri
noun ( pl. peris)
(in Persian mythology) a mythical superhuman being, originally represented as evil but subsequently as a good or graceful genie or fairy
(in Persian mythology) a mythical superhuman being, originally represented as evil but subsequently as a good or graceful genie or fairy
Word 895: Teetotum
Word 893: Diaphoresis
noun technical
sweating, esp. to an unusual degree as a symptom of disease or a side effect of a drug
sweating, esp. to an unusual degree as a symptom of disease or a side effect of a drug
Word 892: Intromission
the action or process of inserting the penis into the vagina in sexual intercourse
the action or process of inserting the penis into the vagina in sexual intercourse
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Word 891: Mobcap
Word 889: Relict
a thing that has survived from an earlier period or in a primitive form
• an animal or plant that has survived while others of its group have become extinct, e.g., the coelacanth
a thing that has survived from an earlier period or in a primitive form
• an animal or plant that has survived while others of its group have become extinct, e.g., the coelacanth
Word 887: Zoea
Word 886: Lierne
noun [usu. as adj.] Architecture
(in vaulting) a short rib connecting the bosses and intersections of the principal ribs
(in vaulting) a short rib connecting the bosses and intersections of the principal ribs
Word 884: Odalisque
a female slave or concubine in a harem, esp. one in the seraglio of the sultan of Turkey
a female slave or concubine in a harem, esp. one in the seraglio of the sultan of Turkey
Word 883: Echinus
Word 878: Vole
Word 877: Trebuchet
a machine used in medieval siege warfare for hurling large stones or other missiles
a machine used in medieval siege warfare for hurling large stones or other missiles
Word 875: Gesso
Word 874: Kale
a hardy cabbage of a variety that produces erect stems with large leaves and no compact head
a hardy cabbage of a variety that produces erect stems with large leaves and no compact head
Word 871: Wall knot
Word 863: Zorilla
Word 862: Terricolous
adjective Zoology
(of an animal such as an earthworm) living on the ground or in the soil
• Botany (of a plant, esp. a lichen) growing on soil or on the ground
(of an animal such as an earthworm) living on the ground or in the soil
• Botany (of a plant, esp. a lichen) growing on soil or on the ground
Word 861: Leachate
noun technical
water that has percolated through a solid and leached out some of the constituents
water that has percolated through a solid and leached out some of the constituents
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Word 860: Puggaree
Word 859: Nemo dat quod non habet
noun Law
the basic principle that a person who does not own property, esp. a thief, cannot confer it on another except with the true owner's authority
the basic principle that a person who does not own property, esp. a thief, cannot confer it on another except with the true owner's authority
Word 856: Mantelletta
Monday, December 28, 2009
Word 853: Ischemia
noun Medicine
an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, esp. the heart muscles
an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, esp. the heart muscles
Word 852: Stoa
Word 849: Paralipsis
noun Rhetoric
the device of giving emphasis by professing to say little or nothing about a subject
the device of giving emphasis by professing to say little or nothing about a subject
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Word 846: Shahada
the Muslim profession of faith (“there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”)
the Muslim profession of faith (“there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”)
Word 844: Prior restraint
noun Law
judicial suppression of material that would be published or broadcast, on the grounds that it is libelous or harmful. In U.S. law, the first amendment severely limits the ability of the government to do this
judicial suppression of material that would be published or broadcast, on the grounds that it is libelous or harmful. In U.S. law, the first amendment severely limits the ability of the government to do this
Word 842: Amice
Word 840: Bung
verb [ trans.]
close with a stopper
• ( bung something up) block (something), typically by overfilling it
close with a stopper
• ( bung something up) block (something), typically by overfilling it
Word 839: Vin de pays
noun ( pl. vins de pays pronunc. same)
the third-highest French classification of wine, indicating that the wine meets certain standards including area of production, strength, and quality
• French wine produced locally
the third-highest French classification of wine, indicating that the wine meets certain standards including area of production, strength, and quality
• French wine produced locally
Word 838: Parting shot
a final remark, typically a cutting one, made by someone at the moment of departure
a final remark, typically a cutting one, made by someone at the moment of departure
Word 837: Glacis
noun ( pl. same or -cises)
a gently sloping bank, in particular one that slopes down from a fort, exposing attackers to the defenders' missiles
a gently sloping bank, in particular one that slopes down from a fort, exposing attackers to the defenders' missiles
Word 836: Fid
Word 834: Wadi
noun ( pl. -dis or -dies)
(in certain Arabic-speaking countries) a valley, ravine, or channel that is dry except in the rainy season
(in certain Arabic-speaking countries) a valley, ravine, or channel that is dry except in the rainy season
Word 832: Famulus
noun ( pl. -li) historical
an assistant or servant, esp. one working for a magician or scholar
an assistant or servant, esp. one working for a magician or scholar
Word 831: Rogues' gallery
noun informal
a collection of photographs of known criminals, used by police to identify suspects
• a collection of people or creatures notable for a certain shared quality or characteristic, typically a disreputable one
a collection of photographs of known criminals, used by police to identify suspects
• a collection of people or creatures notable for a certain shared quality or characteristic, typically a disreputable one
Word 830: Urticaria
noun Medicine
a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods
a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Word 825: Lictor
(in ancient Rome) an officer attending the consul or other magistrate, bearing the fasces, and executing sentences on offenders
(in ancient Rome) an officer attending the consul or other magistrate, bearing the fasces, and executing sentences on offenders
Word 823: Garrote
verb [ trans.]
kill (someone) by strangulation, typically with an iron collar or a length of wire or cord
kill (someone) by strangulation, typically with an iron collar or a length of wire or cord
Word 822: Oriel
Word 820: Muleta
a small red cape fixed to a stick, employed by a matador to guide the bull during a bullfight
a small red cape fixed to a stick, employed by a matador to guide the bull during a bullfight
Word 817: Homeotherm
noun Zoology
an organism that maintains its body temperature at a constant level, usually above that of the environment, by its metabolic activity
an organism that maintains its body temperature at a constant level, usually above that of the environment, by its metabolic activity
Word 816: Toilette
noun [in sing.]
the process of washing oneself, dressing, and attending to one's appearance
the process of washing oneself, dressing, and attending to one's appearance
Word 814: Babiche
rawhide, typically formed into strips, as used by North American Indians for making fastenings, animal snares, snowshoes, etc.
rawhide, typically formed into strips, as used by North American Indians for making fastenings, animal snares, snowshoes, etc.
Word 813: Enfleurage
the extraction of essential oils and perfumes from flowers using odorless animal or vegetable fats
the extraction of essential oils and perfumes from flowers using odorless animal or vegetable fats
Word 808: Ithyphallic
(esp. of a statue of a deity or other carved figure) having an erect penis
(esp. of a statue of a deity or other carved figure) having an erect penis
Word 806: Wittol
a man who is aware and tolerant of his wife's infidelity; an acquiescent cuckold
a man who is aware and tolerant of his wife's infidelity; an acquiescent cuckold
Word 804: Raphe
noun ( pl. raphae pronunc. same) Anatomy & Biology
a groove, ridge, or seam in an organ or tissue, typically marking the line where two halves fused in the embryo, in particular
• the connecting ridge between the two halves of the medulla oblongata or the tegmentum of the midbrain
• Botany a longitudinal ridge on the side of certain ovules or seeds
• Botany a longitudinal groove in the valve of many diatoms
a groove, ridge, or seam in an organ or tissue, typically marking the line where two halves fused in the embryo, in particular
• the connecting ridge between the two halves of the medulla oblongata or the tegmentum of the midbrain
• Botany a longitudinal ridge on the side of certain ovules or seeds
• Botany a longitudinal groove in the valve of many diatoms
Word 803: Trommel
Word 802: Versicle
noun (usu. versicles)
a short sentence said or sung by the minister in a church service, to which the congregation gives a response
a short sentence said or sung by the minister in a church service, to which the congregation gives a response
Word 800: Incidental music
music used in a film or play as a background to create or enhance a particular atmosphere
music used in a film or play as a background to create or enhance a particular atmosphere
Word 799: Paraphilia
noun Psychiatry
a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities
a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities
Word 797: Guiro
Word 796: Digraph
a combination of two letters representing one sound, as in ph and ey
• Printing a character consisting of two joined letters; a ligature
a combination of two letters representing one sound, as in ph and ey
• Printing a character consisting of two joined letters; a ligature
Word 795: Eustasy
a change of sea level throughout the world, caused typically by movements of parts of the earth's crust or melting of glaciers
a change of sea level throughout the world, caused typically by movements of parts of the earth's crust or melting of glaciers
Word 793: Hobnail
Word 791: Mens rea
noun Law
the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused
the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused
Word 790: Cyanosis
noun Medicine
a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood
a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood
Word 789: Haustellum
noun ( pl. haustella) Zoology
the sucking organ or proboscis of an insect or crustacean
the sucking organ or proboscis of an insect or crustacean
Word 788: Radula
Word 787: Letters of administration
plural noun Law
authority to administer the estate of someone who has died without making a will
authority to administer the estate of someone who has died without making a will
Word 786: Enclitic
noun Linguistics
a word pronounced with so little emphasis that it is shortened and forms part of the preceding word, e.g., n't in can't
a word pronounced with so little emphasis that it is shortened and forms part of the preceding word, e.g., n't in can't
Word 785: Mortise
Word 781: Telson
Word 777: Astragal

a convex molding or wooden strip across a surface or separating panels, typically semicircular in cross-section
• Architecture a small semicircular molding around the top or bottom of a column
• a wooden molding that covers the gap between a pair of doors or casement windows
• a glazing bar, typically one used in cabinet-making
Word 776: Varix
noun ( pl. varices)
1. Medicine a varicose vein
2. Zoology each of the ridges on the shell of a gastropod mollusk, marking a former position of the aperture
1. Medicine a varicose vein
2. Zoology each of the ridges on the shell of a gastropod mollusk, marking a former position of the aperture
Word 773: Lavabo
Word 772: Waqf
noun ( pl. same)
an endowment made by a Muslim to a religious, educational, or charitable cause
an endowment made by a Muslim to a religious, educational, or charitable cause
Word 768: Houri
noun ( pl. -ris)
a beautiful young woman, esp. one of the virgin companions of the faithful in the Muslim Paradise
a beautiful young woman, esp. one of the virgin companions of the faithful in the Muslim Paradise
Word 767: Skijoring
the action of being pulled over snow or ice on skis by a horse or dog or a motor vehicle, as a sport or recreation activity
the action of being pulled over snow or ice on skis by a horse or dog or a motor vehicle, as a sport or recreation activity
Word 766: Petasus
a hat with a low crown and broad brim, worn in ancient Greece
• Greek Mythology a winged hat of such a type worn by the god Hermes
a hat with a low crown and broad brim, worn in ancient Greece
• Greek Mythology a winged hat of such a type worn by the god Hermes
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Word 762: Comminuted
adjective technical
reduced to minute particles or fragments
• Medicine (of a fracture) producing multiple bone splinters
reduced to minute particles or fragments
• Medicine (of a fracture) producing multiple bone splinters
Word 760: Quince
Word 757: Jug band
a group of jazz, blues, or folk musicians using simple or improvised instruments such as jugs and washboards
a group of jazz, blues, or folk musicians using simple or improvised instruments such as jugs and washboards
Word 756: Synastry
noun Astrology
comparison between the horoscopes of two or more people in order to determine their likely compatibility and relationship
comparison between the horoscopes of two or more people in order to determine their likely compatibility and relationship
Word 754: Umber
Word 753: Yuppify
verb [ trans.] informal derogatory
make more affluent and upmarket in keeping with the taste and lifestyle of yuppies
make more affluent and upmarket in keeping with the taste and lifestyle of yuppies
Word 752: Lustrate
verb [ trans.]
purify by expiatory sacrifice, ceremonial washing, or some other ritual action
purify by expiatory sacrifice, ceremonial washing, or some other ritual action
Word 751: Introjection
noun Psychoanalysis
the unconscious adoption of the ideas or attitudes of others
the unconscious adoption of the ideas or attitudes of others
Word 748: Wold
noun [often in place names ] (usu. wolds)
(in Britain) a piece of high, open, uncultivated land or moor
(in Britain) a piece of high, open, uncultivated land or moor
Word 747: Bell's palsy
paralysis of the facial nerve, causing muscular weakness in one side of the face
paralysis of the facial nerve, causing muscular weakness in one side of the face
Word 746: Rusk
Word 745: Champerty
noun Law
an illegal agreement in which a person with no previous interest in a lawsuit finances it with a view to sharing the disputed property if the suit succeeds
an illegal agreement in which a person with no previous interest in a lawsuit finances it with a view to sharing the disputed property if the suit succeeds
Word 743: Anticline
noun Geology
a ridge-shaped fold of stratified rock in which the strata slope downward from the crest
a ridge-shaped fold of stratified rock in which the strata slope downward from the crest
Word 742: Syncopate
verb [ trans.]
1. [usu. as adj.] ( syncopated) displace the beats or accents in (music or a rhythm) so that strong beats become weak and vice versa
2. shorten (a word) by dropping sounds or letters in the middle, as in symbology for symbolology
1. [usu. as adj.] ( syncopated) displace the beats or accents in (music or a rhythm) so that strong beats become weak and vice versa
2. shorten (a word) by dropping sounds or letters in the middle, as in symbology for symbolology
Word 741: Ligate
verb [ trans.] (usu. be ligated) Surgery
tie up or otherwise close off (an artery or vessel)
tie up or otherwise close off (an artery or vessel)
Word 739: Feuilleton
a part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to fiction, criticism, or light literature
• an article printed in such a part
a part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to fiction, criticism, or light literature
• an article printed in such a part
Word 736: Puttee
Word 735: Monody
noun ( pl. -dies)
1. an ode sung by a single actor in a Greek tragedy
2. a poem lamenting a person's death
1. an ode sung by a single actor in a Greek tragedy
2. a poem lamenting a person's death
Word 734: Terribilità
awesomeness or emotional intensity of conception and execution in an artist or work of art, originally as a quality attributed to Michelangelo by his contemporaries
awesomeness or emotional intensity of conception and execution in an artist or work of art, originally as a quality attributed to Michelangelo by his contemporaries
Monday, December 21, 2009
Word 732: Burgoo
Word 731: Griot
a member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa
a member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa
Word 730: Kitchen-sink
adjective [ attrib.]
(in art forms) characterized by great realism in the depiction of drab or sordid subjects
(in art forms) characterized by great realism in the depiction of drab or sordid subjects
Word 729: Uroboros
a circular symbol depicting a snake, or less commonly a dragon, swallowing its tail, as an emblem of wholeness or infinity
a circular symbol depicting a snake, or less commonly a dragon, swallowing its tail, as an emblem of wholeness or infinity
Word 728: Judder
verb [ intrans.]
(esp. of something mechanical) shake and vibrate rapidly and with force
(esp. of something mechanical) shake and vibrate rapidly and with force
Word 726: Apse
Word 724: Tusche
a greasy black composition, in liquid form or to be mixed with liquids, used as ink for making lithographic drawings
a greasy black composition, in liquid form or to be mixed with liquids, used as ink for making lithographic drawings
Word 721: Claudication
noun Medicine
• (also intermittent claudication) a condition in which cramping pain in the leg is induced by exercise, typically caused by obstruction of the arteries
• (also intermittent claudication) a condition in which cramping pain in the leg is induced by exercise, typically caused by obstruction of the arteries
Word 720: En travesti
adverb & adjective
dressed as a member of the opposite sex, esp. for a theatrical role
dressed as a member of the opposite sex, esp. for a theatrical role
Word 719: Stoup
Word 718: Influence peddling
the use of position or political influence on someone's behalf in exchange for money or favors
the use of position or political influence on someone's behalf in exchange for money or favors
Word 717: Window box
a long narrow box in which flowers and other plants are grown, placed on an outside windowsill
a long narrow box in which flowers and other plants are grown, placed on an outside windowsill
Word 715: Nocturne
1. Music a short composition of a romantic or dreamy character suggestive of night, typically for piano
2. Art a picture of a night scene
1. Music a short composition of a romantic or dreamy character suggestive of night, typically for piano
2. Art a picture of a night scene
Word 714: Runcible spoon
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