noun [usu. treated as pl.] military slang enlisted personnel detailed to help the cook by washing dishes, peeling vegetables, and performing other kitchen duties • the assigned duty of these personnel
noun ( pl. -bella) 1. Entomology each of a pair of lobes at the tip of the proboscis in some insects 2. Botany a central petal at the base of an orchid flower, typically larger than the other petals and of a different shape
noun a fleshy outgrowth, in particular • a wattle of a bird such as a turkey • the red prominence at the inner corner of the eye • any outgrowth from a seed near the micropyle, attractive to ants that aid the seed's dispersal
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noun 1. a woman's hairstyle consisting of a shoulder-length bob with the ends rolled under 2. a male page, esp. in a hotel or attending a bride at a wedding
noun historical a small pamphlet containing tales, ballads, or tracts, sold by peddlers • a small paperback booklet, typically containing poems or fiction
noun a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden sound box with numerous strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and played with the fingers and a plectrum. It is used esp. in central European folk music
noun a condition affecting office workers, typically marked by headaches and respiratory problems, attributed to unhealthy or stressful factors in the working environment such as poor ventilation
noun poetic/literary refreshment by food or drink • a meal, esp. a light one • Zoology the eating of partly digested fecal pellets, as practiced by rabbits
noun a style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace. The term was originally applied (by a group of French critics) to American thriller or detective films made in the period 1944–54 and to the work of directors such as Orson Welles, Fritz Lang, and Billy Wilder • a film of this genre
noun ( pl. definientia) a word, phrase, or symbolic expression used to define something, esp. in a dictionary entry, or introducing a word or symbol into a logical system by providing a statement of its meaning
noun chiefly historical (in the Christian Church) the kissing of a tablet by all the participants at a mass depicting the Crucifixion or other sacred object; the kiss of peace
noun 1. a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial • figurative a thing that envelops or obscures something • technical a protective casing or cover 2. ( shrouds) a set of ropes forming part of the standing rigging of a sailing vessel and supporting the mast from the sides • (also shroud line) each of the lines joining the canopy of a parachute to the harness
noun a continuum with an infinite number of gradations from one extreme to the other • Biology a gradation in one or more characteristics within a species or other taxon, esp. between different populations
noun a form of traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance, now performed only by male actors, using exaggerated gestures and body movements to express emotions, and including historical plays, domestic dramas, and dance pieces
noun 1. a basket, esp. one of a pair carried by a beast of burden • each of a pair of bags or boxes fitted on either side of the rear wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle 2. historical part of a skirt looped up around the hips • a frame supporting this
noun 1. a small Eurasian willow that grows mostly in wet habitats and is a major source of the long flexible shoots (withies) used in basketwork • a shoot of a willow • dated any willow tree 2. noun any of several North American dogwoods
noun (usu. ministrations) chiefly formal or humorous the provision of assistance or care • the services of a minister of religion or of a religious institution • the action of administering the sacrament
noun an instance of the flame in the combustion chamber of a jet engine being extinguished, with a resultant loss of power • informal a complete or conspicuous failure
adjective (of art or literature or a system of thought) demanding or involving only a moderate degree of intellectual application, typically as a result of not deviating from convention
noun 1. a thing used for tying or binding something tightly • a cord or thread used in surgery, esp. to tie up a bleeding artery 2. Music a slur or tie 3. Printing a character consisting of two or more joined letters, e.g., æ, fl • a stroke that joins adjacent letters in writing or printing
noun (in medieval fortifications) an opening between the supporting corbels of a projecting parapet or the vault of a gate, through which stones or burning objects could be dropped on attackers • a projecting structure containing a series of such openings
noun Surgery a treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body
noun a stone fixed on top of something, typically a wall • Archaeology a large, flat stone forming a roof over the chamber of a megalithic tomb • figurative a concluding achievement
adjective Phonetics (of a consonant, in particular a voiceless consonant) strongly articulated, esp. more so than another consonant articulated in the same place
noun 1. the amniotic membrane enclosing a fetus • part of this membrane occasionally found on a child's head at birth, thought to bring good luck 2. historical a woman's close-fitting indoor headdress or hairnet 3. Anatomy the omentum
adjective informal 1. casual or flippant in a cheerful and often irresponsible way • (of an action or operation) unmethodical; poorly thought out 2. dazed or stupefied from happiness or relief
noun Astronomy an apparent or real oscillation of the moon, by which parts near the edge of the disc that are often not visible from the earth sometimes come into view
exclamation a call given by a court officer, or formerly by public criers, typically repeated two or three times to command silence and attention, as before court is in session
noun 1. an adult female pig, esp. one that has farrowed • the female of certain other mammals, e.g., the guinea pig 2. a large block of metal (larger than a “pig”) made by smelting
noun ( pl. mythoi) chiefly technical a myth or mythology • (in literature) a traditional or recurrent narrative theme or plot structure • a set of beliefs or assumptions about something
noun Grammar the use of a word or phrase that refers to or stands for a later word or phrase (e.g., the pronoun he in he may be 37, but Jeff behaves like a teenager)
noun ( pl. -eries) a breeding colony of rooks, typically seen as a collection of nests high in a clump of trees • a breeding colony of seabirds (esp. penguins), seals, or turtles • figurative a dense collection of housing, esp. in a slum area
noun ( pl. -niae or -nias) 1. Anatomy a flat ribbonlike structure in the body • ( taeniae coli) the smooth longitudinal muscles of the colon 2. Architecture a fillet between a Doric architrave and frieze 3. (in ancient Greece) a band or ribbon worn around a person's head 4. a large tapeworm that parasitizes mammals
noun 1. a form of lyric poem written in couplets, in which a long line is followed by a shorter one 2. the third section of an ancient Greek choral ode, or of one division of such an ode
noun ( pl. -lae) Astronomy a bright region on the surface of the sun, linked to the subsequent appearance of sunspots in the same area • a bright spot on the surface of a planet
noun ( Her/Your Ladyship) a respectful form of reference or address to a woman who has a title • ironic a form of reference or address to a woman thought to be acting in a pretentious or snobbish way
verb [ trans.] Brit., informal 1. try to influence or thwart (someone or something) by underhanded or unfair methods • accost (someone), esp. in order to persuade them to do something • tamper with (a racehorse or greyhound) to prevent it from winning a race, esp. by giving it a drug 2. obtain dishonestly; steal • seize
plural noun [ treated as sing.] the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others
noun Psychiatry a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression
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