Sunday, October 31, 2010

Word 2910: Quiff

noun chiefly Brit.
a piece of hair, esp. on a man, brushed upward and backward from the forehead

Word 2909: Horrent

adjective poetic/literary
1. (of a person's hair) standing on end
2. feeling or expressing horror

Word 2908: Kitchen police

noun [usu. treated as pl.] military slang
enlisted personnel detailed to help the cook by washing dishes, peeling vegetables, and performing other kitchen duties
• the assigned duty of these personnel

Word 2907: Duffer

noun informal
an incompetent or stupid person, esp. an elderly one
• a person inexperienced at something, esp. at playing golf

Word 2906: Labellum

noun ( pl. -bella)
1. Entomology each of a pair of lobes at the tip of the proboscis in some insects
2. Botany a central petal at the base of an orchid flower, typically larger than the other petals and of a different shape

Word 2905: Diestrus

noun Zoology
(in most female mammals) a period of sexual inactivity between recurrent periods of estrus

Word 2904: Sanitarium

noun ( pl. -tariums or -taria)
an establishment for the medical treatment of people who are convalescing or have a chronic illness

Word 2903: Picante

(of food) spicy

Word 2902: Fiacre

noun ( pl. -cres) historical
a small four-wheeled carriage for public hire

Word 2901: Whang

verb [ intrans.]
make or produce a resonant noise
• [ trans.] strike or throw heavily and loudly

Word 2900: Runnel

a narrow channel in the ground for liquid to flow through
• a brook or rill
• a small stream of a particular liquid

Word 2899: Caruncle

a fleshy outgrowth, in particular
• a wattle of a bird such as a turkey
• the red prominence at the inner corner of the eye
• any outgrowth from a seed near the micropyle, attractive to ants that aid the seed's dispersal

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Word 2898: Triskelion

a Celtic symbol consisting of three legs or lines radiating from a center

Word 2897: Four-flush

verb [ intrans.] informal
(in poker) bluff when holding a weak hand, particularly a four flush
• keep up a pretense; bluff

Word 2896: Harrumph

verb [ intrans.]
clear the throat noisily
• grumpily express dissatisfaction or disapproval

Word 2895: Crepitate

verb [ intrans.]
make a crackling sound

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Word 2893: Scud

verb [ intrans.]
move fast in a straight line because or as if driven by the wind

Word 2892: Disinvoltura

self-assurance; lack of constraint

Word 2891: Bork

verb [ trans.] informal
obstruct (someone, esp. a candidate for public office) through systematic defamation or vilification

Word 2890: Pageboy

1. a woman's hairstyle consisting of a shoulder-length bob with the ends rolled under
2. a male page, esp. in a hotel or attending a bride at a wedding

Word 2889: Escape clause

a clause in a contract that specifies the conditions under which one party can be freed from an obligation

Word 2888: Chapbook

noun historical
a small pamphlet containing tales, ballads, or tracts, sold by peddlers
• a small paperback booklet, typically containing poems or fiction

Word 2887: Minute gun

a gun fired at intervals of a minute, esp. at a funeral

Word 2886: Ocher

an earthy pigment containing ferric oxide, typically with clay, varying from light yellow to brown or red
• a pale brownish yellow color

Word 2885: Fictile

made of earth or clay by a potter
• of or relating to pottery or its manufacture
• capable of being molded; plastic

Word 2884: Conversazione

noun ( pl. -nes or -ni)
a scholarly social gathering held for discussion of literature and the arts

Word 2883: Semaphore

verb [ trans.]
send (a message) by semaphore or by signals resembling semaphore

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Word 2882: Trifid

adjective chiefly Biology
partly or wholly split into three divisions or lobes

Word 2881: Sight glass

a transparent tube or window through which the level of liquid in a reservoir or supply line can be checked visually

Word 2880: Homespun

1. simple and unsophisticated
2. (of cloth or yarn) made or spun at home
• denoting a coarse handwoven fabric similar to tweed

Word 2879: Buck-passing

the practice of shifting the responsibility for something to someone else

Word 2878: Shikara

noun Indian
1. (in Kashmir) a houseboat
2. a spire on a Hindu temple

Word 2877: Oviposit

verb [ intrans.] Zoology
(esp. of an insect) lay an egg or eggs

Word 2876: Salpingitis

noun Medicine
inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Word 2875: Bourn

noun poetic/literary
1. a goal; a destination
2. a limit; a boundary

Word 2874: Loden

a thick waterproof woolen cloth
• the dark green color in which such cloth is often made

Word 2873: Faugh

exclamation dated
expressing disgust

Word 2872: Dribs and drabs

plural noun ( in dribs and drabs) informal
in small scattered or sporadic amounts

Word 2871: Suzerain

a sovereign or state having some control over another state that is internally autonomous
historical a feudal overlord

Word 2870: Zither

a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden sound box with numerous strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and played with the fingers and a plectrum. It is used esp. in central European folk music

Word 2869: Sick-building syndrome

a condition affecting office workers, typically marked by headaches and respiratory problems, attributed to unhealthy or stressful factors in the working environment such as poor ventilation

Word 2868: Refection

noun poetic/literary
refreshment by food or drink
• a meal, esp. a light one
Zoology the eating of partly digested fecal pellets, as practiced by rabbits

Word 2867: Film noir

a style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace. The term was originally applied (by a group of French critics) to American thriller or detective films made in the period 1944–54 and to the work of directors such as Orson Welles, Fritz Lang, and Billy Wilder
• a film of this genre

Word 2866: Cesta

a wicker basket used in jai alai to catch and throw the ball

Word 2865: Requiescat

a wish or prayer for the repose of a dead person

Word 2864: Déraciné

uprooted or displaced from one's geographical or social environment

Word 2863: Proclitic

noun Linguistics
a word pronounced with so little emphasis that it is shortened and forms part of the following word, for example, you in y’all

Word 2862: Curricle

noun historical
a light, open, two-wheeled carriage pulled by two horses side by side

Word 2861: Sparge

verb [ trans.] chiefly technical
moisten by sprinkling, esp. with water in brewing

Word 2860: Fudge factor

noun informal
a figure included in a calculation to account for error or unanticipated circumstances, or to ensure a desired result

Word 2859: Definiens

noun ( pl. definientia)
a word, phrase, or symbolic expression used to define something, esp. in a dictionary entry, or introducing a word or symbol into a logical system by providing a statement of its meaning

Word 2858: Napped

adjective [usu. in combination]
(of a textile) having a nap, usually of a specified kind

Word 2857: Pax

noun chiefly historical
(in the Christian Church) the kissing of a tablet by all the participants at a mass depicting the Crucifixion or other sacred object; the kiss of peace

Word 2856: Ignotum per ignotius

the action of offering an explanation that is harder to understand than the thing it is meant to explain

Word 2855: Cat's pajamas

noun ( the cat's pajamas) informal dated
an excellent person or thing

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Word 2854: Savate

a French method of fighting in which feet and fists are used

Word 2853: Ostiole

noun Botany
(in some small algae and fungi) a small pore through which spores are discharged

Word 2852: En rapport

having a close and harmonious relationship

Word 2851: Shroud

1. a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial
figurative a thing that envelops or obscures something
technical a protective casing or cover
2. ( shrouds) a set of ropes forming part of the standing rigging of a sailing vessel and supporting the mast from the sides
• (also shroud line) each of the lines joining the canopy of a parachute to the harness

Word 2850: Droshky

noun ( pl. -kies) historical
a low four-wheeled open carriage of a kind formerly used in Russia

Word 2849: Suborn

verb [ trans.]
bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury

Word 2848: Desquamate

verb [ intrans.]
(of a layer of cells, e.g., of the skin) come off in scales or flakes

Word 2847: Anacoluthon

noun ( pl. -tha) Grammar
a sentence or construction that lacks grammatical sequence, such as while in the garden, the door banged shut

Word 2846: Sonde

an instrument probe that automatically transmits information about its surroundings underground, under water, in the atmosphere, etc.

Word 2845: Paper tiger

a person or thing that appears threatening but is ineffectual

Word 2844: Winebibber

noun archaic or poetic/literary
a habitual drinker of alcohol

Word 2843: Cline

a continuum with an infinite number of gradations from one extreme to the other
Biology a gradation in one or more characteristics within a species or other taxon, esp. between different populations

Word 2842: Sjambok

(in South Africa) a long, stiff whip, originally made of rhinoceros hide

Word 2841: Body dysmorphic disorder

a psychological disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with imaginary defects in their appearance

Word 2840: Kabuki

a form of traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance, now performed only by male actors, using exaggerated gestures and body movements to express emotions, and including historical plays, domestic dramas, and dance pieces

Word 2839: Algolagnia

noun Psychiatry
desire for sexual gratification through inflicting pain on oneself or others; sadomasochism

Monday, October 25, 2010

Word 2838: Pannier

1. a basket, esp. one of a pair carried by a beast of burden
• each of a pair of bags or boxes fitted on either side of the rear wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle
2. historical part of a skirt looped up around the hips
• a frame supporting this

Word 2837: Lickerish


Word 2836: Milk-and-water

adjective [ attrib.]
lacking the will or ability to act effectively

Word 2835: Buckshee

adjective informal chiefly Brit.
free of charge

Word 2834: Osier

1. a small Eurasian willow that grows mostly in wet habitats and is a major source of the long flexible shoots (withies) used in basketwork
• a shoot of a willow
dated any willow tree
2. noun any of several North American dogwoods

Word 2833: Soft-headed

lacking wisdom or intelligence

Word 2832: Eschatology

the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind

Word 2831: In sooth

in truth; really

Word 2830: Felucca

a small vessel propelled by oars or lateen sails or both, used on the Nile and formerly more widely in the Mediterranean region

Word 2829: Ministration

noun (usu. ministrations) chiefly formal or humorous
the provision of assistance or care
• the services of a minister of religion or of a religious institution
• the action of administering the sacrament

Word 2828: Rill

verb [ intrans.]
(of water) flow in or as in a rill
• [ as adj.] ( rilled) indented with small grooves

Word 2827: Edaphic

adjective Ecology
of, produced by, or influenced by the soil

Word 2826: Parbuckle

a loop of rope arranged like a sling, used for raising or lowering casks and other cylindrical objects along an inclined plane

Word 2825: Ponce

verb [ intrans.] Brit., informal
live off a prostitute's earnings
• [ trans.] ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled)

Word 2824: Flameout

an instance of the flame in the combustion chamber of a jet engine being extinguished, with a resultant loss of power
informal a complete or conspicuous failure

Word 2823: Middlebrow

(of art or literature or a system of thought) demanding or involving only a moderate degree of intellectual application, typically as a result of not deviating from convention

Word 2822: Tea caddy

a small container in which tea is kept for daily use

Word 2821: Greenwash

disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image

Word 2820: Taradiddle

noun informal chiefly Brit.
a petty lie
• pretentious nonsense

Word 2819: Jolie laide

noun ( pl. jolies laides pronunc. same)
a woman whose face is attractive despite having ugly features

Word 2818: Gaur

a large wild ox native to India and Malaysia

Word 2817: Rete

noun ( pl. -tia) Anatomy
an elaborate network of blood vessels or nerve cells

Word 2816: Felicitate

verb [ trans.]

Word 2815: Decorticate

verb [ trans.]
1. [ often as adj.] ( decorticated) technical remove the bark, rind, or husk from
2. subject to surgical decortication

Word 2814: Vallecula

noun ( pl. -lae) Anatomy & Botany
a groove or furrow

Word 2813: Tussive

adjective Medicine
relating to coughing

Word 2812: Drawing card

noun informal
a quality or feature that evokes interest or liking; an attraction

Word 2811: Azoic

having no trace of life or organic remains

Word 2810: Surrey

noun ( pl. -reys) historical
a light four-wheeled carriage with two seats facing forward

Word 2809: Pudency

noun poetic/ literary
modesty; shame

Word 2808: Cereology

the study or investigation of crop circles

Word 2807: Taipan

a foreigner who is head of a business in China or Hong Kong

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Word 2806: Enoki

an edible Japanese mushroom, growing in clusters, with slender stems and small caps

Word 2805: Wisenheimer

noun informal
a person who behaves in an irritatingly smug or arrogant fashion, typically by making clever remarks and displaying their knowledge

Word 2804: Bohunk

noun informal offensive
an immigrant from central or southeastern Europe, esp. a laborer
informal a rough or uncivilized person

Word 2803: Ligature

1. a thing used for tying or binding something tightly
• a cord or thread used in surgery, esp. to tie up a bleeding artery
2. Music a slur or tie
3. Printing a character consisting of two or more joined letters, e.g., æ, fl
• a stroke that joins adjacent letters in writing or printing

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Word 2802: Spade foot

a square enlargement at the end of a chair leg

Word 2801: Machicolation

(in medieval fortifications) an opening between the supporting corbels of a projecting parapet or the vault of a gate, through which stones or burning objects could be dropped on attackers
• a projecting structure containing a series of such openings

Word 2800: Lithotripsy

noun Surgery
a treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body

Word 2799: Anaclitic

adjective Psychoanalysis
relating to or characterized by a strong emotional dependence on another or others

Word 2798: Capstone

a stone fixed on top of something, typically a wall
Archaeology a large, flat stone forming a roof over the chamber of a megalithic tomb
figurative a concluding achievement

Word 2797: Fortis

adjective Phonetics
(of a consonant, in particular a voiceless consonant) strongly articulated, esp. more so than another consonant articulated in the same place

Word 2796: Caul

1. the amniotic membrane enclosing a fetus
• part of this membrane occasionally found on a child's head at birth, thought to bring good luck
2. historical a woman's close-fitting indoor headdress or hairnet
3. Anatomy the omentum

Word 2795: Springe

a noose or snare for catching small game

Word 2794: Balmacaan

a loose overcoat with raglan sleeves

Word 2793: Slaphappy

adjective informal
1. casual or flippant in a cheerful and often irresponsible way
• (of an action or operation) unmethodical; poorly thought out
2. dazed or stupefied from happiness or relief

Word 2792: Libration

noun Astronomy
an apparent or real oscillation of the moon, by which parts near the edge of the disc that are often not visible from the earth sometimes come into view

Word 2791: Flense

verb [ trans.]
slice the skin or fat from (a carcass, esp. that of a whale)
• strip (skin or fat) from a carcass

Word 2790: Bumboat

a small vessel carrying provisions for sale to ships in port

Word 2789: Maestoso

adverb & adjective Music
(esp. as a direction) in a majestic manner

Word 2788: Au pair

a young foreign person, typically a woman, who helps with housework or child care in exchange for room and board

Word 2787: Hybrid vigor

noun Genetics
the tendency of a crossbred individual to show qualities superior to those of both parents

Word 2786: Knobkerrie

a short stick with a knobbed head, traditionally used as a weapon by the indigenous peoples of South Africa

Word 2785: Bullock

a male domestic bovine animal that has been castrated and is raised for beef

Word 2784: Desex

verb [ trans.] [usu. as adj.] ( desexed)
1. deprive (someone) of sexual qualities or attraction
2. castrate or spay (an animal)

Word 2783: Tanga

noun Brit.
a pair of briefs consisting of small panels connected by strings at the sides

Word 2782: Oyez

a call given by a court officer, or formerly by public criers, typically repeated two or three times to command silence and attention, as before court is in session

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Word 2780: Raree-show

noun archaic
a form of entertainment, esp. one carried in a box, such as a peep show

Word 2779: Sow

1. an adult female pig, esp. one that has farrowed
• the female of certain other mammals, e.g., the guinea pig
2. a large block of metal (larger than a “pig”) made by smelting

Word 2778: Status quo ante

noun (usu. the status quo rate)
the previously existing state of affairs

Word 2777: Hazzan

noun ( pl. hazzanim)
an official who sings liturgical music and leads prayer in a synagogue

Word 2776: Rupestrian

(of art) done on rock or cave walls

Word 2775: Leporine

of or resembling a hare or hares

Word 2774: Mythos

noun ( pl. mythoi) chiefly technical
a myth or mythology
• (in literature) a traditional or recurrent narrative theme or plot structure
• a set of beliefs or assumptions about something

Word 2773: Betide

verb [ intrans.] poetic/ literary
• [ trans.] happen to (someone)

Word 2772: Orc

(in fantasy literature and games) a member of an imaginary race of humanlike creatures, characterized as ugly, warlike, and malevolent

Word 2771: Intima

noun ( pl. -mae) Anatomy & Zoology
the innermost coating or membrane of a part or organ, esp. of a vein or artery

Word 2770: Dog-end

noun Brit., informal
a cigarette butt
• the last and least pleasing part of something

Word 2769: Cataphora

noun Grammar
the use of a word or phrase that refers to or stands for a later word or phrase (e.g., the pronoun he in he may be 37, but Jeff behaves like a teenager)

Word 2768: Plexor

a small hammer with a rubber head used to test reflexes and in medical percussion

Word 2767: Mal de mer


Word 2766: Rookery

noun ( pl. -eries)
a breeding colony of rooks, typically seen as a collection of nests high in a clump of trees
• a breeding colony of seabirds (esp. penguins), seals, or turtles
figurative a dense collection of housing, esp. in a slum area

Word 2765: Dégagé

unconcerned or unconstrained; relaxed

Monday, October 18, 2010

Word 2764: Taenia

noun ( pl. -niae or -nias)
1. Anatomy a flat ribbonlike structure in the body
• ( taeniae coli) the smooth longitudinal muscles of the colon
2. Architecture a fillet between a Doric architrave and frieze
3. (in ancient Greece) a band or ribbon worn around a person's head
4. a large tapeworm that parasitizes mammals

Word 2763: Shellback

noun informal
an old or experienced sailor, esp. one who has crossed the equator

Word 2762: Haček

a diacritic mark (ˇ) placed over a letter to indicate modification of the sound in Slavic and other languages

Word 2761: Pester power

noun informal
the ability of children to nag adults, especially to influence their parents to make certain purchases

Word 2760: Capon

a castrated domestic cock fattened for eating

Word 2759: Ducat

1. a gold coin formerly current in most European countries
• ( ducats) informal money
2. informal a ticket, esp. an admission ticket

Word 2758: Surfcasting

fishing by casting a line into the sea from the shore or near the shore

Word 2757: Epode

1. a form of lyric poem written in couplets, in which a long line is followed by a shorter one
2. the third section of an ancient Greek choral ode, or of one division of such an ode

Word 2756: Facula

noun ( pl. -lae) Astronomy
a bright region on the surface of the sun, linked to the subsequent appearance of sunspots in the same area
• a bright spot on the surface of a planet

Word 2755: Imbrue

verb [ trans.] archaic or poetic/literary
stain (something, esp. one's hands or sword)

Word 2754: Shiva

noun Judaism
a period of seven days' formal mourning for the dead, beginning immediately after the funeral

Word 2753: Biocenosis

noun ( pl. -noses) Ecology
an association of different organisms forming a closely integrated community

Word 2752: Massif

a compact group of mountains, esp. one that is separate from other groups

Word 2751: Petitio principii

noun Logic
a fallacy in which a conclusion is taken for granted in the premises; begging the question

Word 2750: Lectionary

noun ( pl. -aries)
a list or book of portions of the Bible appointed to be read at a church service

Word 2749: Flamen

noun ( pl. flamens or flamines) Roman History
a priest serving a particular deity

Word 2748: Clavier

1. the keyboard of a musical instrument
2. a keyboard instrument, esp. one with strings, such as the harpsichord

Word 2747: Vermian

1. poetic/literary relating to or resembling a worm; wormlike
2. Anatomy of or relating to the vermis of the brain

Word 2746: Tonus

the constant low-level activity of a body tissue, esp. muscle tone

Word 2745: Regnant

1. [ often postpositive] reigning; ruling
2. currently having the greatest influence; dominant

Word 2744: Fess

noun Heraldry
an ordinary in the form of a broad horizontal stripe across the middle of the shield

Word 2743: Diseuse

a female entertainer who performs monologues

Word 2742: Akrasia

noun chiefly Philosophy
the state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgment through weakness of will

Word 2741: Exenteration

complete surgical removal of a body organ, esp. the eyeball and other contents of the eye socket, usually in cases of malignant cancer

Word 2740: Geta

adjective ( pl. same or getas)
a Japanese wooden shoe with a thong to pass between the first (big) toe and the second toe

Word 2739: Scherzo

noun ( pl. -zos or -zi) Music
a vigorous, light, or playful composition, typically comprising a movement in a symphony or sonata

Word 2738: Goy

noun ( pl. goyim or goys) informal often offensive
a Jewish name for a non-Jew

Word 2737: Depauperate

adjective Biology
(of a flora, fauna, or ecosystem) lacking in numbers or variety of species
• (of a plant or animal) imperfectly developed

Word 2736: Marcescent

adjective Botany
(of leaves or fronds) withering but remaining attached to the stem

Word 2735: Thole pin

a pin, typically one of a pair, fitted to the gunwale of a rowboat to act as the fulcrum for an oar

Word 2734: Whomp

verb [ trans.]
strike heavily; thump
• defeat decisively

Word 2733: Ladyship

noun ( Her/Your Ladyship)
a respectful form of reference or address to a woman who has a title
ironic a form of reference or address to a woman thought to be acting in a pretentious or snobbish way

Word 2732: Indicia

plural noun formal
signs, indications, or distinguishing marks
• markings used on address labels or bulk mail as a substitute for stamps

Word 2731: Fusee

1. a conical pulley or wheel, esp. in a watch or clock
2. a large-headed match capable of staying lit in strong wind
3. a railroad signal flare

Word 2730: Nobble

verb [ trans.] Brit., informal
1. try to influence or thwart (someone or something) by underhanded or unfair methods
• accost (someone), esp. in order to persuade them to do something
• tamper with (a racehorse or greyhound) to prevent it from winning a race, esp. by giving it a drug
2. obtain dishonestly; steal
• seize

Word 2729: Stead

the place or role that someone or something should have or fill (used in referring to a substitute)

Word 2728: Fentanyl

a fast-acting narcotic analgesic and sedative that is sometimes abused for its heroinlike effect

Word 2727: Clarence

noun historical
a closed horse-drawn carriage with four wheels, seating four inside and two outside next to the coachman

Word 2726: Boot top

the part of a ship's hull just above the waterline, typically marked by a line of contrasting color

Word 2725: Proxemics

plural noun [ treated as sing.]
the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others

Word 2724: Learned helplessness

noun Psychiatry
a condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed. It is thought to be one of the underlying causes of depression

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Word 2723: Adytum

noun ( pl. -ta)
the innermost sanctuary of an ancient Greek temple

Word 2722: Flyboy

noun informal
a pilot, esp. one in the air force

Word 2721: Preceptor

a teacher or instructor

Word 2720: Cyclothymia

noun dated
a mental state characterized by marked swings of mood between depression and elation; manic-depressive tendency

Word 2719: Sei

another term for sei whale

Word 2718: Taedium vitae

a state of extreme ennui; weariness of life

Word 2717: Introit

a psalm or antiphon sung or said while the priest approaches the altar for the Eucharist

Word 2716: Heterosis

noun Genetics
the tendency of a crossbred individual to show qualities superior to those of both parents

Word 2715: Pouf

a cushioned footstool or low seat with no back

Word 2714: Codger

noun derogatory
an elderly man, esp. one who is old-fashioned or eccentric

Word 2713: Vestiary

adjective poetic/literary
of or relating to clothes or dress

Word 2712: Runlet

a small stream

Word 2711: Man-of-war

noun ( pl. men-of-war also men-o'-war) historical
an armed sailing ship

Word 2710: Deterge

verb [ trans.] rare
cleanse thoroughly

Word 2709: Thrum

verb [ intrans.]
make a continuous rhythmic humming sound
• [ trans.] strum (the strings of a musical instrument) in a rhythmic way

Word 2708: Diuresis

noun Medicine
increased or excessive production of urine

Word 2707: Seidel

noun dated
a beer mug or glass
• the contents of such a vessel