noun ( pl. -ses) Medicine a condition of muscular weakness caused by nerve damage or disease; partial paralysis • (also general paresis) inflammation of the brain in the later stages of syphilis, causing progressive dementia and paralysis
noun Linguistics the set of relationships among words having the same reference within a text, contributing to textual cohesion; anaphora and cataphora
noun ( pl. -gies) Philosophy the explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve rather than by postulated causes • Theology the doctrine of design and purpose in the material world
noun flakes on the surface of the skin that form as fresh skin develops below, occurring esp. as dandruff • a similar flaky deposit on any surface, esp. one on a plant resulting from a fungal infection
noun 1. Christian Church the container in which the consecrated bread of the Eucharist is kept 2. (in the UK) a box at the Royal Mint in which specimen gold and silver coins are deposited to be tested annually at the trial of the pyx
noun ( pl. -ads or -ades) 1. (also Naiad) (in classical mythology) a water nymph said to inhabit a river, spring, or waterfall 2. the aquatic larva or nymph of a dragonfly, mayfly, or stonefly 3. a submerged aquatic plant with narrow leaves and minute flowers
noun an instrument for measuring the pressure acting on a column of fluid, esp. one with a U-shaped tube of liquid in which a difference in the pressures acting in the two arms of the tube causes the liquid to reach different heights in the two arms
verb [ intrans.] let it stand (used as an instruction on a printed proof to indicate that a correction or alteration should be ignored) • [ trans.] write such an instruction against (something corrected or deleted)
noun ( pl. -chi) Logic a logical refutation • (also Socratic elenchus) the Socratic method of eliciting truth by question and answer, esp. as used to refute an argument
noun a woman's long cape or scarf, typically of fur or similar material • a similar ceremonial garment worn esp. by the clergy • historical a long, narrow strip of cloth forming part of or attached to a hood or sleeve
noun Anatomy & Zoology a small stalklike structure connecting an organ or other part to the human or animal body • Medicine part of a graft, esp. a skin graft, left temporarily attached to its original site
noun the omission of a sound or syllable when speaking (as in I'm, let's) • an omission of a passage in a book, speech, or film • the process of joining together or merging things, esp. abstract ideas
noun ( pl. -dies) 1. a drink made of alcoholic liquor with hot water, sugar, and sometimes spices 2. the sap of some kinds of palm, fermented to produce arrack
noun ( pl. -muses) a traditional custom or notion adhered to although shown to be unreasonable • a person who obstinately adheres to such a custom or notion
adjective of or relating to an alveolus, in particular • Anatomy relating to or denoting the bony ridge that contains the sockets of the upper teeth. • Phonetics (of a consonant) pronounced with the tip of the tongue on or near this ridge (e.g., n, s, t) • Anatomy of or relating to an alveolus or the alveoli of the lung
noun a palm tree native to tropical Africa and Madagascar, with a short trunk and leaves that may be up to 60 feet (18 m) long • the fiber from these leaves, used for making items such as hats, baskets, and mats
noun 1. informal a child, esp. a small boy 2. ( nippers) pliers, pincers, forceps, or a similar tool for gripping or cutting 3. an insect or other creature that nips or bites • (usu. nippers) the grasping claw of a crab or lobster
noun (in Indian music) a pattern of notes having characteristic intervals, rhythms, and embellishments, used as a basis for improvisation • a piece using a particular raga
noun 1. informal a person's nose 2. informal a person who shows contempt for those considered to be of a lower social class 3. a tubular or conical attachment used to produce a narrow beam from a spotlight
noun (in Jungian psychology) the part of the unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory and experience and is common to all humankind, as distinct from the individual's unconscious
noun historical a large saw with handles at each end, used in a vertical position by two persons, one standing above the timber to be cut, the other in a pit below it
noun ( pl. -gos or -goes) (in the folklore of some northern Algonquian peoples) a cannibalistic giant; a person who has been transformed into a monster by the consumption of human flesh
noun Zoology each of the second pair of appendages attached to the cephalothorax of most arachnids. They are variously specialized as pincers in scorpions, sensory organs in spiders, and locomotory organs in horseshoe crabs
noun a word, name, or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated. For example, Washington is a metonym for the federal government of the U.S.
noun ( pl. -tos or -ti) Music 1. a slide from one note to another, esp. in singing or playing a bowed string instrument • this as a technique or style 2. piano playing in a manner intermediate between legato and staccato
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