verb [ trans.] [usu. as adj.] ( passivated) make (a metal or other substance) unreactive by altering the surface layer or coating the surface with a thin inert layer • Electronics coat (a semiconductor) with inert material to protect it from contamination
noun ( pl. -dos) (usu. the strappado) historical a form of punishment or torture in which the victim was secured to a rope and made to fall from a height almost to the ground before being stopped with an abrupt jerk • the instrument used for inflicting this punishment or torture
noun 1. a small area of grass that is thicker or longer than the grass growing around it 2. (also tussock moth) a woodland moth whose adults and brightly colored caterpillars both bear tufts of irritant hairs. The caterpillars can be a pest of trees, damaging fruit and stripping leaves
noun ( pl. -laria) a large awning of a type used in ancient Rome to cover a theater or amphitheater as a protection against the weather, now more commonly used as an inner ceiling to improve acoustics
noun ( pl. -drones) a patron or master, in particular • a Mafia boss • informal an employer, esp. one who exploits immigrant workers • (in Italy) the proprietor of a hotel
noun ( pl. -nices) Anatomy a vaulted or arched structure in the body, in particular • (also fornix cerebri) a triangular area of white matter in the mammalian brain between the hippocampus and the hypothalamus
noun ( pl. -dies) 1. informal a midshipman 2. (also middy blouse) chiefly historical a woman's or child's loose blouse with a collar that is cut deep and square at the back and tapering to the front, resembling that worn by a sailor
noun each of a pair of small oars used by a single rower • an oar placed over the stern of a boat to propel it by a side-to-side motion, reversing the blade at each turn • a light, narrow boat propelled with a scull or a pair of sculls • ( sculls) a race between boats in which each participant uses a pair of oars
noun the action of implanting or state of being implanted • Zoology & Medicine (in a mammal) the attachment of the fertilized egg or blastocyst to the wall of the uterus at the start of pregnancy, often delayed in some mammals by several months
noun ( pl. -gais) 1. a slender, iron-tipped, hardwood spear used chiefly by southern African peoples 2. (also assegai wood) a South African tree of the dogwood family that yields hard timber
noun 1. the action of passing over or disregarding a matter, esp. the rhetorical technique of making summary mention of something by professing to omit it 2. (in Calvinist theology) omission from God’s elect; nonelection to salvation
noun a duct for smoke and waste gases produced by a fire, a gas heater, a power station, or other fuel-burning installation • a channel for conveying heat
noun a print made from an engraved copper or steel plate on which the surface has been partially roughened, for shading, and partially scraped smooth, giving light areas. The technique was much used in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries for the reproduction of paintings • the technique or process of making pictures in this way
noun father; the title of a priest or chaplain in some regions • informal a chaplain (typically a Roman Catholic chaplain) in any of the armed services
noun a small two-winged fly that resembles a mosquito. Gnats include both biting and nonbiting forms, and they typically form large swarms • a person or thing seen as tiny or insignificant, esp. in comparison with something larger or more important
noun ( pl. -ries) Christian Church 1 the offering of the bread and wine at the Eucharist • prayers or music accompanying this 2. an offering or collection of money made at a religious service • prayers or music accompanying this
noun ( pl. -tuses) a printed document that advertises or describes a school, commercial enterprise, forthcoming book, etc., in order to attract or inform clients, members, buyers, or investors
verb [ intrans.] (of an insect, esp. a male cricket or grasshopper) make a shrill sound by rubbing the legs, wings, or other parts of the body together
noun a current of air or water driven back by a revolving propeller or jet engine • the partial vacuum created in the wake of a moving vehicle, often used by other vehicles in a race to assist in passing • figurative an assisting force regarded as drawing something along behind something else
noun ( pl. ignorationes elenchi) Philosophy a logical fallacy that consists in apparently refuting an opponent while actually disproving something not asserted
noun Geology the material of the lower part of the earth's crust, underlying both the ocean and the continents, characterized as relatively dense and rich in silica and magnesia
noun ( pl. imagos , imagoes or imagines) 1. Entomology the final and fully developed adult stage of an insect, typically winged 2. Psychoanalysis an unconscious, idealized mental image of someone, esp. a parent, that influences a person's behavior
noun informal an unpleasant person (used as a term of abuse) • a vehicle that emits foul-smelling exhaust fumes, esp. a motorboat as opposed to a sailboat
noun informal a participant in an Internet chat room who acts in a rude, annoying, or juvenile manner • a person whose online posts or e-mails are annoying to others
noun ( pl. seraphim or seraphs) an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity
noun a Hindu scholar learned in Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy and religion, typically also a practicing priest • Indian a wise man or teacher • Indian a talented musician (used as a respectful title or form of address)
noun a fence of wooden stakes or iron railings fixed in the ground, forming an enclosure or defense • historical a strong pointed wooden stake fixed deeply in the ground with others in a close row, used as a defense • ( palisades) a line of high cliffs
noun 1. a large beer or wine cask. • a brewer's fermenting vat. 2. an imperial measure of capacity, equal to 4 hogsheads. 3. (also tun shell) a large marine mollusk that has a rounded barrellike shell with broad spirals
noun a revolving frame or cage in which a truck or freight car is inverted to discharge its load • a place where such loads, esp. from a coal mine, are dumped
noun (also open diapason or stopped diapason) an organ stop sounding a main register of flue pipes, typically of eight-foot pitch • poetic/literary the entire compass, range, or scope of something • figurative a grand swelling burst of harmony
adjective (of an action or attitude) directed or tending to a definite end • Linguistics (of a verb, conjunction, or clause) expressing goal, result, or purpose
noun a short musical composition, typically for one instrument, designed as an exercise to improve the technique or demonstrate the skill of the player
noun a transportation system for materials or people, used esp. in mines or mountainous areas, in which cars are suspended from moving cables driven by a motor
noun (usu. the noble savage) a representative of primitive humankind as idealized in Romantic literature, symbolizing the innate goodness of humanity when free from the corrupting influence of civilization
verb ( past part. -sawn or -sawed) [ trans.] cut with a whipsaw • informal subject to two difficult situations or opposing pressures at the same time • informal compel to do something. • (usu. be whipsawed) Stock Market subject to a double loss, as when buying a security before the price falls and selling before the price rises • cheat or beat (someone) in two ways at once or by the collusion of two others
noun 1. a simple brake on a vehicle, esp. a stout stick or bar inserted between the spokes of a wheel to check its motion • a one-way clutch that keeps a vehicle from rolling backwards 2. Mining a prop used to support a roof, wall, or seam
noun 1. a projecting starched frill worn around the neck, characteristic of Elizabethan and Jacobean costume 2. a projecting or conspicuously colored ring of feathers or hair around the neck of a bird or mammal 3. ( pl. same or ruffs ) a northern Eurasian wading bird, the male of which has a large variously colored ruff and ear tufts in the breeding season, used in display
noun ( pl. -veae) Anatomy a small depression in the retina of the eye where visual acuity is highest. The center of the field of vision is focused in this region, where retinal cones are particularly concentrated
noun historical a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with a collapsible hood over the rear half, a seat in front for the driver, and seats facing each other for the passengers, used esp. in the 19th century
adjective 1. Architecture belonging or relating to Corinth, esp. the ancient city • relating to or denoting the lightest and most ornate of the classical orders of architecture (used esp. by the Romans), characterized by flared capitals with rows of acanthus leaves 2. involving or displaying the highest standards of sportsmanship
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